ANSYS Global Industry Director Dr. Thierry Marchal visits us today
Great honor to have Dr. Thierry Marchal visiting us today. It is exciting to vision the future of in silico personalized healthcare, and...

New Paper Accepted
Our invited paper "An In Silico Subject-Variability Study of Upper Airway Morphological Influence on the Airflow Regime in a...
ANSYS and Dr. Feng’s research group partner to Derive the Next-Generation Computational Lung Aerosol
Dr. Yu Feng’s research group announced the formation of an academic partnership with ANSYS Inc. (Pittsburg, PA), to extend lung aerosol...

Dr. Yu Feng receives ASME ECTC Presentation Award
Dr. Feng has been selected as a recipient of this year's ASME Early Career Technical Conference (ECTC) Presentation Awards hosted by UAB....
How to generate polyhedral mesh using Fluent
Graduate Research Assistantships available!
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